My Scratch Stuff

Scratch Lab #1

This is our first scratch lab. In this lab, we had one partner problem and five individual problems, and had to pick at least three of the individual problems to solve. I had the time to be able to do all five.

Pair programming Task-Make it move

In this project we worked together with a partner to create a program where a sprite would go forward, turn around, go back, and at the end say "that was fun!"

Unit 1-Pair Programming

Simple Motion

This problem was pretty simple. When the program begins, the cat starts at a set position at the bottom left corner of the screen and moves to the other corners in a counter-clockwise motion. At the end of the program, the cat ends up in the same corner it started in.

Problem #1: Simple Motion


This problem was a bit more complex than the last one, so I held off on doing it until the very end. Using a grid as the background, six sprites move to set positions in order to form a hexagon.

Problem #2: Hexagon

Draw a shape

This problem required some experimenting with the pen commands in Scratch. After about five minutes of experimenting, I was able to create the program.

Problem #3: Draw a shape

Costume Change

This problem is one of the simplest and took me the least time. The program is just three hand drawn, differently colored circles, switching off in an endless cycle.

Problem #4: Costume Change

Set the stage

This problem features a cat that moves across the screen. When the cat passes the middle, the setting changes. There are a total of three backdroops, including the white one.

Problem #5: Set the stage

Questions for Scratch Lab #1

Question #1: Animations

Go to the scratch home page and click explore and then animations ( Find an animation that you like. Click on “see inside”. What blocks do you recognize? What is unfamiliar?

Nothing was really unfamiliar due to my prior experience with Scratch

Question #2: Screen 1

How large is the scratch screen?

The Scratch screen is exactly 480 x 360 pixels

Question #3: Screen 2

Where is the center of the scratch screen?

It is at (0,0)

Question #4: Screen 3

What are the units of measurement of the scratch screen?

The units of measurement are pixels

Question #5: Sprite vs. Stage

How many sprites can you have on the screen? How many stages? Explain why this makes sense.

You can have as many sprites on the screen as you want, because they can overlap each other. However, you can only have one stage on the screen at the time because it is the background where everything is placed